It weren’t the very biggest, or the one with all the cream,
It weren’t the one with icing, like a sculpture makers dream.
It weren’t the one with marzipan or jam or strawberry flakes
But what it were, it were the cake he gave me by mistake.
’Cause what was this he passed across the counter like a twit?
Where was the sticky chocolate sauce I’d dreamt would cover it,
Where was the soft, warm sponge inside, where were the chocolate chips?
What sad and sorry disappointing anti-cake was this?
Not even one sad cherry sat upon it’s flattened top
Where once the cherry’d sat was now a grubby, yellow spot,
And nowhere was there evidence of almonds or of jam
Just a dry and crumbling biscuit sat offending in my hand.
‘But Mr, that’s the one I want, that strawberry chocolate one,
The one with all the icing, look, that lovely, sticky bun!!
Please take this back, it’s horrid and think I see a hair
I really couldn’t eat it if the cat has been back there!’
He looked at me with pity, I could see it in his face
He looked and me and then I knew I’d made a big mistake
With only 50p to spend my choice was slim to none
That’s why the cake I left with was a tiny, half-baked scone.
© Cathie Bagley